
[加拿大] Montreal 22th weekly

Montreal 22th weekly, Sept। 18~Sept. 24

I have already started my internship two weeks ago. It's a non-proft organization in Mont-Royal, Sun Youth Organization. Sun Youth has food bank, clothes bank, senior pub, summer camping, and children recreation. They also have client service and i am working from next Monday. I was working in the administration to learn accounting and to help my co-work to put the donation's information in the data base or prited out the cheques . It's not a busy job, sometime we didn't have work to do and just talked to each other or I went to clothes room to organize the clothes for man, woman or children.
I have two more weeks for internship and 4 times for french course in ILSC in the evening. "Je susis Joyce. Je susis une famme. Je susis Taiwanionne." French is a beautiful language and different pronunciation for me.


[加拿大] Montreal-21th weekly

Montreal-21th weekly - internship

It's the time to talk about my job.
This week is the first week to do the internship in Sun Youth in Montreal. My supervisor is James, he is very friendly and busy person. I couldn't see her for two more days this week. My co-worker is Lina, she is from Iraq. She is an immigrant. I talked with her everyday. Because my supervisor was not in the office, I just had little work to do this week.
Everymorning i opened the letters from donators and put the information in the data base, then collect the checks to another co-worker.


[美國] Sep. 1~3 獨闖Boston

Sep. 1~3 獨闖Boston
Sep. 1 買了當天去Boston的車票後搭了當天的夜車(11:15 pm)出發前往Boston, 從上車起一路上幾乎都在睡覺, 只有在過邊境的時候下車去打個招呼後就回車上繼續睡覺, 不知不覺中就到Boston了, 一看時間才早上6:15, 天ㄚ! 那麼早我要去那裡找到有開的information center !! 不管了先去哈佛大學逛逛(說實話, 我也是在來之前才從我那少的可憐的導覽簡介裡面發現哈佛在Boston說!), 反正那麼早去逛市區也沒有什麼好玩吧~ 買了day pass的metro ticket 居然要7.5USA. 不管了, 反正車票那麼貴都買了, 不缺花這麼一點小錢啦~ 哈~ 
寄件者 Boston

說實在的哈佛還真的很大,好像馬英九和呂秀蓮等名人都是哈佛的校友吧~不過好像因為還是暑假, 大部分的教室都是關著的要不就是需要學生證才能進去, 所以我沒有真的參觀到"愛在哈佛"裡的大教室, 或是有名的圖書館, 不過人家說哈佛是要看內涵看裡面的人的, 建築物本身並沒有什麼特別的, 下次要再上課期間在來好好感受一下有什麼不一樣! 不過哈佛裡面有好幾個有名的museum開放參觀, 到是值得去逛一逛. 我去逛了自然歷史博物館, 可能是理工的背景吧~看到裡面有各式各樣化學元素的結晶還挺有趣的,連只有在週期表看到過的鹵化物、鈍金屬等等都有ㄝ,而且部份的結晶還挺大挺漂亮的, 這時真要未上帝造物的神奇與美麗而感動, 對了博物館裡還有著名的玻璃花, 大概有超過幾百種的植物可以研究, 每種都栩栩如生, 還有局部放大說! 另外有一區是各地方動物的標本, 我比較不喜歡啦~不過還挺齊全的。
寄件者 Boston

逛完了哈佛, 該是好好想一下今晚要呆在哪裡了, 畢竟決定的倉促, 便宜的Hostel都客滿了, 昂貴的飯店我又住不起, 難道我要變成homeless in Boston? 我不要啦~今天很冷ㄝ~可是車票那麼貴就這麼回去又很不甘心,還是去找找住的地方吧~回到Harvard Squard infrormation center問問資料吧~ 好心的伯伯給了我兩本手冊, 一本是"Where"有關Boston, 另一本是有關Combridge的住和景點介紹, 翻開手冊試試運氣吧! 第一家是語音系統沒辦法溝通, 第二家可以講中文ㄝ, 真是太棒了~雖然貴了點(80 USD/ per night),還是找到ㄧ個地方住一晚嚕~ 接下來就可以放心的去玩嚕~呵呵~
逛完了哈佛接下來當然是去MIT(麻省理工學院),一看到建築就愛上這邊, 她不像哈佛那麼的方正或沉重, 建築有的事活潑和特色, 當然讓我發現了24小時開放, 而且沒有學生証的我也可以恣意的享受圖書館的資源和假裝自己在這邊研究找資料, 所以我比較喜歡這邊。不過走到哪哩,實驗室安全真的不可以忽略,好不容易找到比較像化工化學的大樓,可遠遠就看到好幾台消防車和雲梯車在那邊,我也就沒有進去參觀嚕,真是可惜!!