I have already decided my new room near North York Centre
I was supposed to extend my homestay 4 weeks ago.
But my homestay has already decided other new student.
I couldn't extend and i have to move to another homestay.
I wouldn't move to another homestay.
So i changed my mind and school refunded the money to me.
I have to find a room for me before June 19.
I am going to move to Montreal on July 15.
I will live in my new room for 4 weeks.
That's why i am not easy to find a room.
Usually, the house owner wishes that i could rent the room more 2 months.
And my friend tries to help me and are looking for a room together.
She needs a new rooms from July 16.
That's good news, the owner is happy to hear that.
We spent much time to see the newspaper and websit.
then we called the owners and saw some rooms.
The first room is good, but we didn't deposit. Yes, we lost the room.
We have to see others romms. It was terrific.
Another friend, Lucy - 趙真熙-very kind Korean girl, helped me to pick up a Korean newspaper,
then we saw the newspapre (yes, i couldn't read.), and called the owners (she spoke Korean)
Today after school's class, we went to see the house and my room.
It a house and my room is on the second floor.
It's good, Internet, TV, Laundry, kitchen...
Although the location is far, the house is near subway (North York Centre) and shopping mall.
And the priceis not bad ($450/month).
5 則留言:
我最近在North York Central Library這附近找房子,無意間搜尋到妳的文章。想冒昧請問一下,妳2006年跟韓國人租的那個房間好嗎?是不是跟房東一起住呢?他們人好不好?不知道他們現在還有沒有在出租?妳還有他們的聯絡方式或住址嗎?謝謝~~~
我在多倫多住了八年,終究還是比較喜歡Willowdale這邊(尤其是North York Centre Subway附近),但是我不想再跟華人住了,總覺得跟外國人住,多了一丁點距離才會比較有美感。=.=
我還挺喜歡多倫多的,North York雖然遠了點,不過搭subway也挺方便的,環境比市區舒服。印象中,那邊的韓國人挺多的就是。跟外國人住,其實也挺不錯的,會經歷很多小事而發現文化和生活習慣的差異有多大。
其實我指的多倫多是指整個大多倫多啦,我這八年大部份就是住在North York (Willowdale) 這一區,曾經搬到downtown過,但最後還是覺得比較喜歡這裡,所以又回來了。
我還真的沒有跟韓國人住在一起過,以前曾經跟韓國人租房子,但是沒一起住。倒是跟日本人住過,經驗有好有壞,因為日本人除了有些低調以外,有些人也蠻愛玩蠻吵的。我比較擔心的是跟韓國年輕人住,因為以往在North York租condo的時候,隔壁鄰居只要是韓國學生,都還蠻愛party也蠻吵的。
既然妳之前住的地方是房東也住一起的(我比較喜歡這樣),那他們應該會稍微管制一下房客吧?妳覺得環境會髒亂或人多口雜嗎?不過我真的很希望可以住在離North York Central Library不遠的地方,這附近又很不好找(太熱門了),所以只好什麼方法都試了,真的是很謝謝妳~
18 Fairchild Avg., Toronto Ontario M2M 1T7
非常謝謝妳~我用Google Maps找到Fairchild Ave.了,離我剛來加拿大時住的地方很近,距離Finch Subway約1.5km,離North York Central Library約2.5km。我會問問看的,真的是很謝謝妳這麼熱心!!^_^