
[加拿大] Montreal 4th weekly - Co-op

Aug. 7 ~ Aug. 14 Montreal-ILSC 4th weekly

Aug. 8 Father day & Thinking about Co-op in Montreal
在台灣, 今天該是父親節吧~ 一早打了個電話回家可是爸爸不在家所以作罷!
今天突然想延續呆再Montreal的時間, 因為接下來的時間是去溫哥華和落磯山脈等地方旅行, 預計時間是一個月.
可目前在想著是否利用這筆錢在這邊Co-op, 即在這邊do an intenship, 如果這樣我就要付錢申請, 然後下一期要當Full time student, 然後在9/11大概就可以獲得一個工作機會在Montreal. 這應該是一個很好的經驗吧! 考慮中!!
Aug. 9
今天終於完成了上週應該完成的Interview with Nicholas, 雖然就像一般conversation一樣, 可是要tell something about myself, and ask some questions about this company... It was not easy. How can you help this company? How can i say? n... Anyway, i have a good smile and open-mind body language...
This afternoon there were a presentation about Co-OP, i spent lot time to get some information about their experience. It sounds good, allow sometime is not good, somtime is boried...

Aug. 11
Today is the last day for this season. In the morning we played an English challenge game and went to Second Cup to drink and talk. In the afternoon we saw a movie and talked with our teacher about this class. Tonight i have a finish party for Carola. Everything is good. And i still can't decide about intenship.

Aug. 12 and 13
This weekend, i went to Mont-Royal and Old Montreal.
